RotaLube Revolutionizes Chain Lubrication with Innovative Solutions

Patented technology tackles lubrication challenges in industrial conveyors.

Ineffective chain lubrication has long plagued industrial operations, causing costly breakdowns, excessive wear, and product contamination. RotaLube, led by conveyor engineer David Chippendale, is changing the game with its patented sprocket-shaped applicator and automated lubrication system.

This breakthrough ensures lubricant is applied precisely at each chain pivot point, optimizing conveyor performance and significantly cutting costs. “Rather than haphazardly applying lubricant, we channeled it through a sprocket’s teeth,” said Chippendale, reflecting on the inspiration behind his invention.

Expanding accessibility, RotaLube recently launched the ECO Lubrication Kit, a low-cost alternative for manual use. This solution combines economic and ecological benefits by reducing oil consumption and enabling safer application for maintenance technicians.

With innovations like these, RotaLube is revolutionizing conveyor maintenance, offering industries a precise, efficient, and sustainable approach to lubrication.


News Source: Precision Lubrication magazine